Friday, 10 July 2009

Home made biscuits

So I have a spare 20 minutes this morning to do whatever I want...
And although I'm actually on a diet at the moment I decide to bake some vanilla biscuits / cookies - in the shape of hands and feet no less.

I'm reliably told that 'you don't need to buy expensive cookie dough cutters', but believe me they would have helped.

Having lovingly carved out a template on the back of a cereal box I end up making about three in the shape of hands and feet and the remaining 30 in nice round shapes with a cutter.

So there we have it, home made, credit crunch friendly,'s the recipe:

200g softened unsalted butter
200g golden caster sugar
1 medium free range egg
400g plain flour
2sp vanilla bean paste (just used extract)

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

Cream the butter and sugar together like you would a cake, add the egg and vanilla then gently fold in the flour - combine the mix with your hands. Cover with cling film and chill for 30 mins (very important as it's easier to roll out and cut as I found by not chilling for 30 mins).

Roll out on to a floured surface and cut out, bake for about 10 mins until pale golden.

Smell delicious, waiting for a friend to visit so I can palm them off on them. Let's see how long I can last.
ed: the ones pictured are my second batch - check out the flamingo!!

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